: This application is used to control and manage sales. also it offers close business deals with clients from anywhere and much faster way. Has a support forum at the time of sale, providing instant information on the manufacturer and product is offered as well as a news section deployed and external content; It has a lot of multimedia to help users in decision-making material: pdf, digital documents, videos, images, also includes general control panel for managing users and roles (teams). Finally, note also help by sending push notifications for stakeholders to know what happens from anywhere and thus realize the developments within the application.Hence the app leverages Hands in Red and sales order management, combined supports entrepreneurs achieve their goals and users to make their purchase. Hands on Network also provides customer autonomy and freedom, so that this can place orders at the time that suits you and from anywhere. As an entrepreneur (Groups of Community Development and Women Moving Forward), you can connect this application and enjoy a connection between your customers and stakeholders.